Live Green
Reduce, replace, repeat…
The internet abounds with information and resources to eliminate animal products from your diet and your life. However, it still may seem like a huge step. You may not be sure what to eat, you may not be sure how you will feel.
Our advice is simple.
Go easy and slow.
Start with eliminating dairy and meat from your diet for one meal a week.
Then try two.
Soon, you will be celebrating meatless Mondays.
Who knows, you might feel so great you’ll throw Tuesdays in!
Below are a few of our favorite online resources for making the transition.
Taking the first steps:
Peace Advocacy Network
A peaceful existence through veganism, social justice, and respect for the Earth’s inhabitants and resources.
Give up dairy and make the switch for good!
Learn how to order vegan at your favorite restaurants, airports, sports venues, and theme parks!
Food and Recipes:
It Doesn’t Taste Like Chicken
Easy Vegan Recipes
Nora Cooks
Simple Tasty Vegan Recipes