PROGRAMS FOR KIDS | Indraloka Animal Sanctuary


Clean, Green & Kind Educational Programs

Indraloka Animal Sanctuary’s mission is to educate the community, especially children, on ways in which we can better care for ourselves and the environment while helping animals in need. Interacting with animals and understanding our place in the ecosystem is an integral part of children’s growth. As a rare farm animal sanctuary and a working farm, Indraloka is uniquely positioned to provide this critical development opportunity.

Children learn more, do better in school, heal emotional wounds faster, and become healthier and happier when they spend time with animals and learning about the environment.

Children gently petting a rescued pig while visiting Indraloka Animal Sanctuary

Indraloka Animal Sanctuary offers an inspiring and engaging array of programs for students of all ages:

  • My Place in the Ecosystem”- In this two-hour program, students from pre-K through high school learn about interdependence and the ecosystem. Emphasis is on the choices we make daily to contribute to our own health and a greener world.  Outcomes and curriculum activities are grade specific in order to comply with state curriculum standards.

  • The Circle of Life” – In this two-hour program, students from pre-K through high school explore how we grow and nurture plants and animals, and how they in turn nurture us and help us to grow. Outcomes and curriculum activities are grade specific in order to comply with state curriculum standards, and include hands on vegetable gardening and animal care to help make the learning points real and practical in the students’ minds.

  • You Are What You Eat” – In this 2-hour course, students explore the relationship between their own health and the foods they eat.  Grade-specific activities and outcomes, in compliance with state curriculum standards, focus on food-choice, growing our own food, and food preparation.

  • Animal Algebra” – In this two hour course students apply math principles to determine how much specific animals weigh, how much they should eat, how much hay the sanctuary must purchase each winter, etc. Outcomes and curriculum activities are grade specific in order to comply with state curriculum standards

  • Music Appreciation for Cows” – students of all ages learn to compose and practice playing musical instruments by performing for sanctuary animals.

  • Creative Writing: the Story Left Untold” – students of all ages learn to write by using the animals and nature as inspiration.

  • Custom education programs – Certified teacher volunteers work with teachers and parents of students from elementary through college levels to devise curriculum activities that can be completed with the animals here at the sanctuary — for example learning math by using formulas to calculate animals’ body weights. This is an especially effective way to reach students with learning disabilities or other special needs.

  • Internships for college and graduate students – past students have majored in disciplines as diverse as business, biology, and art therapy.

  • Service learning partnerships for students at all levels, for example we have partnered with Keystone College in graphic arts, and with Marywood University in architecture.

  • Student groups and clubs – We currently have a number of students from ages 12-17, working on volunteer projects with their ecology, animal welfare, girl scout, boy scout, and other student clubs.

  • Special education – We partner with teachers to provide confidence and skill building activities for children with special needs.

  • Workshops for children on dealing with bullies, nutrition and taking care of ourselves, organic gardening, building self esteem, and more.

  • School visits – We also visit schools to tell stories that teach children about farm animals and the environment.

To learn more about these programs or to inquire about participating,
please email us at or call us at 570-763-2908.

2021 education programs Handout

To download a handout about our 2021 education programs, please click below

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