They Were So Small-- Just A Few Pounds. Smaller Than A Puppy Or Kitten. | Indraloka Animal Sanctuary

Their grunts and squeals sounded like the noises of any baby.  And to be sure, these were babies.  Just a day old and they fit in the crook of my elbow, snuggled up, their noses pushing towards my skin.  

“Hello, little ones,” I said.  “Welcome to the world.”

But their arrival had been anything but welcome.  Born to a mother on her way to slaughter, these two piglets were left to die on the cold hard floor of the transfer facility.  For more than a day, they had no food, no warmth, no contact at all. 

But then, someone bravely picked them up and brought them to safety.  He risked his job, his livelihood, his freedom–all to save them.  Two piglets that, had they died, would not have been missed.  No one would have grieved.  No one would have shed a single tear.

Yet, despite the miracle of their rescue, I was afraid.  Afraid that just like the last babies we’d rescued, these two would quickly decline.  Just like Precious and Sweetheart who failed to thrive.  Just like Baby Rama, my beloved lamb who died a painful, sudden death.  I was afraid to give them names.  I was afraid to get too close.  I was afraid to love them.   I was afraid to hope.

Sometimes this world makes you feel broken.  So much pain.  So much sorrow.  So many lives are in the balance.  Just this year, there have been 77 school shootings in the US.  More than 49,000 people have died by suicide.1  Loneliness has reached epidemic proportions, damaging our health as much as smoking 15 cigarettes a day!2  And then there are the billions of lives lost in factory farms every year.  With problems like these, what hope can we have?  

But there is hope.  And that hope is YOU.  You have the power to make drastic, lasting change.  When you support Indraloka, it’s like throwing a pebble into a pond.  It might be small, but watch as it ripples out, reaching all the way to the edge.  Your support is like a pebble.  No matter the size, it makes a difference.  Your generosity:

  • Helps homeless dogs and cats get the veterinary care they need to find forever homes.
  • Brings children who struggle to make friends in school to a safe, welcoming environment where they find instant love from the animals.
  • Helps children who struggle to read find confidence and joy in books.

These might feel small, but what happens when that formerly homeless dog curls up to a young boy, his best friend?  What happens when that lonely girl feels the soft wool of a sheep, laughing as she rubs his head and they’re instant friends?  What happens when that student, afraid to pick up a book, suddenly finds whole new worlds to explore through reading?  

These might feel like small pebbles, but they have the capacity to change the course of a person’s life.  Then that person goes on to change so many more lives…  And none of it happens without you.  

So many lives have been changed this year–thousands have connected with the animals and countless lives have been saved.  But there are so many more–more children without friendship.  More teachers who struggle to help their students.  More nurses and doctors, exhausted and over worked, who need rest.  More animals, alone and afraid, with nowhere to turn.  They still need you.  Will you help them?

A generous donor has offered to match all gifts made through the end of the year.  If you’ve already given, thank you!  But if you haven’t, I urge you to do so today.  Thousands of children and animals need you–please, be their hope.  You’ve already been mine.

With gratitude,

Indra Lahiri

PS–every donation made by the end of December will be matched up to $15,000.  Scan the QR code on the reply card to give online right now or, mail your check back in the reply envelope.  Your support will make a difference.  Thank you!



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