Bapu | Indraloka Animal Sanctuary

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Bapu means Father, and often spiritual Father specifically.  He is the father figure of the goat herd at Indraloka, and his family was rescued together from a small dairy farm when they were planned to be sent to auction, likely for slaughter.  Bapu is protective and loyal to his goat family, and also the humans he loves most.  He is also funny, inquisitive, and typically deep in thought.  He often chooses to rest with some distance between himself and the rest of the herd, watching all around for any signs of concern or danger.  He knows he lives in a space of love and respect, but he remembers a time when he was trapped with the other males in a dark space, unable to protect the rest of his family.  Bapu takes a very long time to trust humans, but once he does he showers them with affection.  He is brave, complicated, and intense, and we love him so very much.

BAPU would love for you to join his Circle of Compassion.

You can join it by sponsoring his with a monthly donation of any amount. 

To join Bapu’s Circle of Compassion and to help cover the costs of his nutritious food, warm shelter, and medical care, click the button below:

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